"A Adorac a o Celestial da Igreja" - Joel Beeke - CONFERÊNCIA OLD SCHOOL 2023

"A Adorac a o Celestial da Igreja" - Joel Beeke - CONFERÊNCIA OLD SCHOOL 2023 Let's pray Lord God we want to go to Heavenly Heights tonight we know we can only stammer just a little bit about this glorious subject Heavenly worship but may all our stammering be to thy honor and Glory foreign.

With a multitude no man can number all having come out of great tribulations and entering into that land that is perfect Heavenly Everlasting Love Lift us up tonight that we may sit in Heavenly places with.

Christ Jesus and worship thee in spirit and in truth in Jesus name amen Earthly worship is the appetizer of an eternal feast and read the scriptures and preach the scriptures and sing the scriptures and pray the scriptures.

We experience a foretaste of seeing the glory of the Living Word Jesus Christ every time we celebrate the Lord's Supper we have a foretaste of that Eternal Everlasting Lord's supper at the father's right hand here we are the church militants worshiping in the midst of battle system battle against Satan Battalion battle.

Against the world battle against our own flesh and we often have to cry out who shall deliver me from the body of this death but in the church triumphant we will worship without any enemies anymore we will worship in Perfection we will have no distracting thoughts we will have no sin at all.

John Owen once said if sin indwelling sin is not your greatest burden in this life is a believer I doubt you're a Believer at all but now to be done with sin to be done with him pure worship and to worship the lamb forever and ever.

In absolute perfection absolutely in consummated Glory getting to know him ever more better more fully is that's our subject tonight Heavenly worship the church made perfect and all gathered around the lamb if to gaze upon this Glory I want to look at two short passages with you tonight from The Book of Revelation.

Is the first is revelation 19. verses six through eight versiculous the set is revelation 21 you Segundo apocalypse 27 through 22 verse 4. and I want to look at two themes with you two major points first the love story behind Heavenly.

Worship and second the Triune God's glory in Heavenly worship the love story behind Heavenly worship is the Triune God's glory in Heavenly worship so let's read Revelation 19 6 through 8..

Says foreign Santos the Christ and the bride Nueva every believer in heaven will be spiritually not physically spiritually married to Christ is.

This theme is all over the Bible but especially in the Book of Revelation is and sadly it is seldom preached about today even though it is the Everlasting future of every single believer is now behind this beautiful utopian marriage there is a love story a true love story.

And I want to look at that love story in three points the wedding because the wedding the bridegroom and the bride okay presently the church is betrothed to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    And awaiting her Everlasting wedding to him

    In the Bible the Truffle was a very strong engagement all Christians says Paul are betrothed to Christ Paul says to the Corinthians I am jealous over you with Godly jealousy is foreign.

    And the whole Trinity is involved as Ephesians 1 verse 4 says according as he has chosen Us in him before the foundation of the world and the son purchases US with his own blood and as Paul says husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself his whole self for the.

    Church yes and for her life he died but Paul also says that the holy spirit is involved in this wedding Jesus Ephesians 1 14. he's given as an Earnest a guarantee it is.

    Saying that the wedding is on its way and so when Christ trusts us to himself and wins our hearts and by faith surrender entirely to him as the only way and name of Salvation he gives us the Holy Spirit within us as our engagement rings.

    It's his promise that we will arrive at the great wedding on the last days and what a wedding that will be never has there been a more worthy bridegroom than Jesus Christ never has a man gone to Greater lengths to win his bride than Jesus Christ never has a wealthier father planned a.

    Bigger Feast than God the Father in Heaven is never has a more valuable pledge been given that the Holy Spirit never has a more glorious residence been prepared for the married couple in glory in Old Testament Israel weddings sometimes lasted a whole week in one sense this wedding lasts forever.

    There's no end to this honeymoon I sometimes joke with people that my wife and I after 34 years we're still on our first honeymoon but it's real in heaven it's an everlasting honeymoon of mutual intimacy spiritually with the best bridegroom ever.

    Now Lambs don't get married so you have to understand we're not talking about a physical literal marriage but Christ is called the lamb my sacrificial lamb all throughout the Book of Revelations we're told already in Revelation 5 verse 9. Thou Art Worthy for thou was slain.

    And has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every Kindred and tongue and people and Nations you see this love is very one-sided to begin with but it's special Apostle John says we love him because he first loved us he loved us while we were Sinners while we were the ungodly news he doesn't justify The Godly for there are none is [Music].

    He loved us while we were unattractive and undeserving aliens

    He loved us while our minds were at enmity with him he loved us the way Hosea loved gomera Isaiah 1 verse 2 God says to Gomer take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms for the land hath committed great whoredom departing from the Lord.

    And as an adulteress Gomer had a series of Affairs and when her Youth and her attractiveness were spent she ended up in the slave market while we were unclean and Unfaithful and spiritually adulterous he loved us John says having loved his own he loved them to the end.

    He loves them to the furthest limits of love he loves them through Gethsemane and through gabasa all the way to golgasa is foreign [Applause] there was a Puritan by the name of Edward Pierce Edward Pierce he wrote a book called the.

    Best match and he said Jesus Christ is the best husband ever yes do you want a match who has honor and greatness he is God and man is the brightness of his father's glory is the king of kings and Lord of lords do you want a husband who has riches and.

    Treasures his riches are by far the best as soon as he cares for they last forever and they're infinitely Grace and they will satisfy all your desires are you looking for A Generous Heart in a spouse he lays out his riches so that your joy may be full.

    Are you looking for one who is wisdom and has knowledge he is wisdom itself he knows perfectly how to glorify himself and how to treat you perfectly as his bride are you looking for beauty and handsomeness he is all together lovely.

    He's more than all the beauty of all human beings and Angels combined anything mines are you looking for someone who will truly love you he is love that is higher than the heavens and deeper than the Seas do you want a husband who is honored in this team humor he's worshiped by the angels and the Saints.

    Everyone whose opinion really matters Treasures him and above all his father Delights in him do you seek a spouse who will never die and never leave you a widow is Christ is the king Immortal and eternal he is the resurrection and the life Behold the Lamb of God.

    Behold the perfect do you know him have you received him as your heavenly husband have you come to him repenting of your sins will you have [Music].

    To take away all your sins he says come to me just as you are you are a welcome guest at the marriage supper of the Lambs but if you won't have it and you continue that way and your heart continues to be a factory of Idols it puts all kinds of things above Jesus.

    Bow your knees worship Him adore you find your all in him don't rest until you can say with Paul said Thank You foreign what about the bride you cannot support what a wedding what a bridegroom but also what a bride because look at verses seven and eight this is the marriage of the Lamb is common his wife hath made herself ready Jehovah's Granite she should be arrayed in Finland.

    And clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints is a bride wears what she thinks will please her husband and she wants to get ready for the wedding I still remember our first daughter getting ready for her wedding she said dad I wanna I one address that will please my husband.

    And she had a checklist of all these things you had to get done 90 days before the wedding 60 days before the wedding yeah and she was always ahead of the list yeah and what a beautiful thing that is a Believer should be that way waiting for his wedding day in Heavenly places.

    Charles Spurgeon said every morning a Believer ought to go to the east side of his home and lift up the Jade and look out and say oh he's not coming quite yet foreign Calvin said he who does not long to be with Christ in heaven has made little progress in the Christian Life don't you long for the day when you can be dressed in the presence of the king of kings in his white robe of perfect.

    Righteousness and yes we men should not feel queasy about this because we're not talking about a literal marriage just like you women should not feel queasy when the Bible only talks about being adopted sons of God and not Daughters of God you are included in the very word sons.

    And we men are included in this Everlasting spiritual intimacy with Christ is and so this dress is very important you read of the parable where there was a man who did not come with the wedding garment on versus and what is this wedding dress it's the imputed righteousness of the.

    Lord Jesus Christ is and that would interest you see is the gift of Jesus Christ himself so that the moment you savingly believe in Jesus Christ his double righteousness is imputed to you the righteousness of his passive obedience his suffering obedience pain.

    For your sins and the righteousness of his perfect obedience to the law his active obedience sorry it is active obedience to the law by which he loved God above all and his neighbors himself for all 33 years of his life perfectly.

    His passive obedience gives us the right to forgiveness of sins active obedience gives us a right to everlasting life yes so through this double Obedience of righteousness we are everlastingly saved what a beautiful thing that is and it's entirely free yeah.

    Our youngest daughter worked in a wedding store for a number of years she was the same stress she sold wedding dresses and she fit wedding dresses to the and the figures of the Bride is one day a lady came into the store um she said my my husband has cancer.

    He's going to die very soon I want to renew my wedding vows with him but I can't get into I can't fit into my old wedding dress do you have any wedding dress you can just give to me my daughter said I can't I can't do that I I don't own this store uh and the lady walked away my daughter felt sad I mean and then.

    Suddenly she thought of something so our daughter ran after the woman she said I'll tell you what you do hello you go to a thrift store and you can buy a wedding dress probably for twenty dollars and you bring it to me and I will fit it to your body and I will put all the little ornaments and Beads upon it is.

    And our daughter worked on it for many evenings and the woman was very happy yeah but you see this wedding dress doesn't cost you twenty dollars and this wedding dress you are dressed by the Lord himself Isaiah 61 verse 10. I will greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall be joyful in my God.

    For he has clothed me with the garments of Salvation he has covered me with his robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decades himself with ornaments as the bride adorneth herself with her jewels and yet we read something else in our text she was arrayed in fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness.

    Of the Saints but in the original Greek it says the righteous Deeds of the Saints and we're told in verse 7 notice that his wife has made herself ready so what is all that about well that's about sanctification when we are justified by the imputed righteousness of Christ.

    We will go to work in sanctification to purify ourselves for Christ the Christian Life involves the putting off of the old nature and the putting on of the new Colossians 3. so it's a serious business to make ourselves ready for the return of Christ JC Riles said this the Christian who doesn't lift a finger to purify himself.

    Is certainly deceived JC Royal Jesus sanctification means that you co-labor with the Holy Spirit pursuing Holiness cultivating holiness but here's there's no secret to this there's no shortcuts to this there's no easy Escape Routes we have to make ourselves ready.

    And yet the text says something else it says that the bridegroom gave the wedding dress to the bride to make herself ready so as we sanctify ourselves co-laboring with the Holy Spirit it is Christ who gives us the spirit and without the spirit we could not make.

    Ourselves Sanctified in any way shape or form foreign so all our sanctification we give all the glory for it also to God so all of Salvation is of God all of grace alone in Christ alone to the glory of God Alone.

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